Equal North: Research and practice network

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Equal North Network: Taking forward the Due North research agenda has received additional funding from NIHR School for Public Health Research meaning we can deliver an exciting programme of activities in 2017-2018 across the north, including an event in London.


The aim of the EQUAL North network is to build a community of academics, researchers and practitioners across the north of England who share a common interest in addressing health and social inequalities.

In February 2014, Public Health England (PHE) commissioned the Due North Report - an independent inquiry into health equity in the North. The Inquiry Panel brought together different expertise and perspectives from the North East, North West and Yorkshire and Humber and it produced four key recommendations: (1) Tackle poverty and economic inequality within the North and between the North and the rest of England; (2) Promote healthy development in early childhood; (3) Share power over resources and increase the influence that the public has on how resources are used to improve the determinants of health; (4) Strengthen the role of the health sector in promoting health equity. This network aims to support PHE in taking forward the Due North Report recommendation.

What does it offer?

Becoming a member will provide you with strong links to other academics and practitioners with a common interest in health and social inequality. It offers:

  • Information about key events in 2017/18
  • An identified network of academics, policy makers and practitioners across the North including an online directory with names and contact details of network members

  • To facilitate new collaborations to address gaps, issues and challenges linked to social and health inequalities

  • Future research opportunities

  • A space to share best practice, information, knowledge and expertise


To join EQUAL North, please complete the registration form