PhD Students
- Lisa Anderson
PhD title: A process and outcome evaluation of an integrated Drug and Alcohol service: a case study with Durham County Council
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Alison Jane
PhD title: Exploring the impact of Universal Credit on health and social outcomes
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Sophie Phillips
PhD title: Intervention characteristics associated with tackling inequalities in diet, physical activity and obesity in pre-school children
Host Institution: Durham University
- Sarah Smith
PhD Title: Workplace interventions for adults: development of a complex dietary workplace intervention and a feasibility study
Host Institution: Durham University
- Cassey Muir
PhD title: Co-producing an intervention to promote social and emotional resilience in children and young people affected by parental substance misuse
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Dave Ray
PhD title: Feasibility testing an intervention to prevent childhood obesity in the early years
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Gillian Waller
PhD title: How to get research findings into practice in the changing landscape of public health
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Jody Nichols
PhD title: An investigation into the beliefs of the causes of obesity for adults
Host Institution: Sunderland University
- Adedokun Ojelabi
PhD title: Health-related quality of life and its predictor markers among sickle cell patients in Ibadan, Nigeria
Host Institution: Sunderland University
- Joan Olajide
PhD title: Knowledge Translation in Oral Health Promotion: Identifying the most effective methods for the delivery of instruction in oral hygiene and nutritional interventions to children and parents
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Theodora Machaira
PhD title: Evaluation of ‘A Fairer Start’ in Stockton.
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Stephanie Mulrine
PhD title: Death in Disadvantaged Communities: Experience of Family Caregivers
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Roxanne Armstrong Moore
PhD title: Developing a Strategy for Retirement Aged Drinkers
Host Institution: Sunderland University
- Sarah Hill
PhD title: Working towards using cost-benefit analysis to evaluate public health policies
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Kat Jackson
PhD title: A sociological exploration of the use of alcohol by women as stress coping strategy – towards the development of an appropriate self-care intervention for stress management
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Lawrence Achilles Nnyanzi
PhD title: The national child measurement programme: its value and impact
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Stephanie Clutterbuck
PhD title: The psychosocial context of early childbearing in North Tyneside
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Christina Cooper
PhD title: Risky behaviour prevention in adolescents: What works, for whom, in what circumstances, and why? A realist enquiry.
Host Institution: Northumbria University
- Lynne Forrest
PhD title: Intervention-generated inequalities in cancer care
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Louis Goffe
PhD title: An investigation of the obesity epidemic: population drivers of an obesogenic diet
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Alison Innerd
PhD title: EXCITE (exercise classes in the teaching environment): development and evaluation of a classroom based physical activity interventio
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Emma Mead
PhD title: Using data linkage and longitudinal analyses to enhance how Local Authorities use the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) data to help improve child health
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Suzanne McDonald
PhD title: Behaviour change in the retirement window
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Sara McCafferty
PhD title: Using participatory action research to identify the organisational features and behaviours which support or inhibit world class commissioning
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Dominika Kwasnicka
PhD title: Optimising the effectiveness of brief planning interventions for behaviour change in public health
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Kirsty Laing
PhD title: Understanding women's perspectives on alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy: towards the design of a health promoting intervention for primary care
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Rebekah McNaughton
PhD title: Understanding patient compliance with a cardiovascular screening programme
Host Institution: Teesside University
- Lorraine McSweeney
PhD title: Prevention of Obesity: Exploring Strategies for Intervention in Preschool
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Amy O'Donnell
PhD title: An investigation of the use of routinely collected information to monitor and evaluate the delivery of screening and brief interventions (SBI) for alcohol in primary health care practice
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Claire O'Malley
PhD title: Characterising the determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption in pre-school children using a mixed methods approach
Host Institution: Durham University
- Mark Parkinson
PhD Title : What builds resiliance in family carers of people with dementia
Host Institution: Northumbria University
- Annette Payne
PhD title: Exploration of the views and patterns of alcohol use amongst older people (55 years and over ) living in Sheltered housing accommodation in Newcastle upon Tyne
Host Institution: Sunderland University
- Hayley Peacock
PhD title: Exploring stakeholder engagement in public health commissioning: A case study of local alcohol services
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Gillian Pepper
PhD title: Investigation the psychological impact of socioeconomic inqualities in exposure to uncontrollable mortality risk
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Jennifer Remnant
PhD title: The Employment Consequences of Living with Cancer; a qualitative study of the experiences of people and employers in the Macmillan Working with Cancer Programme
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Angela Rodrigues
PhD title: Systematic development of an intervention to promote sun-protection behaviours amongst holidaymakers
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Stephanie Scott
PhD title: Alcohol use amongst young people: Exploring product choice and critical price thresholds in young drinkers
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Jason Scott
PhD title: SURE CARE: Service User Reporting of adverse Events and perception of what is safe care
Host Institution: Northumbria University
- Anna Sherrington
PhD title: Evaluation of an internet-based weight loss intervention (My Dietician Online)
Host Institution: Newcastle University
- Kathryn Taylor
PhD title: Project FFAB (Fun Fast Activity Blasts): Effect of a novel school-based high-intensity interval training intervention on cardiometabolic risk markers and physical activity levels in adolescents
Host Institution: Teesside University