Fuse is helping to fund the research ambitions of early career academics

Six ambitious academics are set to receive funding from Fuse to develop research proposals in their area of interest.
In June Fuse invited PhD students and early career researchers to apply for funds (up to £10,000) to support research that will lead to substantive developments, outputs or funding applications.
Congratulations to the successful applicants Laura Basterfield, Sonia Dalkin, Natalie Forster, Lorraine McSweeney, Steph Scott, and Mel Steer. The proposals included research relating to hospital food, dementia care, early years physical activity and movement skills, the impact of housing on health, social prescribing, and influences on young people’s alcohol use and unhealthy eating.
All the applications were judged on their own merits, against Fuse research strategy and by a small review panel headed by Clare Bambra, Associate Director of Fuse and Professor of Public Health Geography, Durham University.
Professor Bambra (pictured) said: "The panel was very impressed with the quality of the applications and the successful projects will add greatly to the Fuse portfolio.
"There is a bright future for public health research in the North East."
Last modified: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 09:13:34 BST