Previous Events
Physical Activity and the Daily Mile

- Venue: Zoom video conference platform
- Start: Mon, 06 Jul 2020 15:30:00 BST
- End: Mon, 06 Jul 2020 17:00:00 BST
The Second Fuse Physical Activity Pop Up Workshop presented by Peymané Adab, Professor of Chronic Disease Epidemiology & Public Health, University of Birmingham.
The Daily Mile, first developed in a school in Scotland, was introduced to improve children’s fitness levels by motivating all pupils to run or walk outdoors around school grounds for 15 minutes daily (equivalent to around 1 mile). The programme was reported to also reduce how much time children spend being sedentary, improve their wellbeing, social interaction, concentration levels and to reduce obesity. It has been adopted by schools worldwide and endorsed as a solution to tackle obesity; however further robust evidence is required as to its short and long-term benefits. During this workshop Professor Peymané Adab will discuss findings from a cluster randomised controlled trial that explored the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the Daily Mile on reducing obesity, in schools in Birmingham. In addition, colleagues from a North East school will discuss their practical experience of implementing the Daily Mile. Following this, there will be an informal, coffee social allowing colleagues the opportunity to discuss ways to support physical activity in schools.
This meeting was held on Monday 6 July from 15:30 to 17:00 on the Zoom platform.
- Effectiveness & cost-effectiveness of the Daily Mile on childhood weight outcomes & wellbeing - Peymané Adab
- Practical experience of implementing the Daily Mile - Michael Harkins
15:30 to 15:35 – Introduction and housekeeping
15:35 to 15:55 – Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of The Daily Mile on childhood weight outcomes and wellbeing by Professor Peymané Adab (University of Birmingham)
15:55 to 16:05 – Practical experience of implementing the Daily Mile by a local school
16:05 to 16:15 – Q and A
16:15 to 16:20 – Break
16:20 to 16:50 – Coffee social and discussion on physical activity and young people
Our speaker:
Peymané has been Professor of Public Health at the University of Birmingham since 2013 and leads the Chronic Disease Management Team in the Institute of Applied Health Research. Over the last 18 years she has developed a national and international portfolio of work in public health and chronic disease epidemiology, focusing on prevention and behavioural medicine. This includes programmes on obesity prevention and management, particularly in children and minority ethnic groups, as well as research on the epidemiology, early identification and management of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). She has expertise in using mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative studies) to aid the development and evaluation of complex interventions. She currently chairs the NIHR Public Health Research Funding Committee and is a member of the Obesity Health Alliance Healthy Weight Strategy expert group.
Peymané also takes an active role in teaching, having previously been director of the Graduate Entry Course in Medicine, and deputy director of the Birmingham MPH course.