Associate members
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- Emma Adams, ARC Mental Health Fellow, Newcastle University
- Ashley Adamson, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Newcastle University
- Michelle Addison, Research Associate, Durham University
- Ufuoma Peace Adegoke, PG Student, Teesside University
- Dunmininu Adeyemi, PG Student, Teesside University
- Mark Adley, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Eunice Adwubi, Research Assistant, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Balsam Ahmed, Consultant in Public Health, NuT NHS FT
- Nicole Ahmed, MPH Student, Newcastle University
- Priya Ahmed, PhD student, Teesside University
- Sonia Ahmed, Lecturer in Global Public Health, Teesside University
- Zafar Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing, Northumbria University
- Mildred Ajebon, Lecturer, Durham University
- Issac Akakpo, Masters Student, Northumbria University
- Nasima Akhter, Associate Professor of Public Health, Teesside University
- Zainab Akhter, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Abisope Akintola, Teesside University
- Temitope Akinyemiju, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Zainab Alalawi, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Hayley Alderson, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Maha AlEid, Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH)
- Georgia Allen-Baker, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Seraphim Alvanides, Reader, Northumbria University
- Rana Amiri, Senior Lecturer, University of Sunderland
- Jane Anderson, Director, Radio Wellbeing
- Nicole Anderson, Newcastle University
- Peter Anderson, Professor of Substance Use, Policy and Practice, Newcastle University
- Steven Anderson, Programme Leader BA Physical Education and Youth Sports, Sunderland University
- Claudio Angione, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University
- Georgios Antonopoulos, Professor in Criminology, Teesside University
- Ryc Aquino, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Lisa Arai, Bristol University
- Elizabeth Archer, Advanced Dietitian, CNTW
- Matthew Armstrong, Assistant Professor in Sport and Exercise Science, Durham University
- Bronia Arnott, Research Methodologist, Newcastle University
- Vivian Omotayo Arowolo, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- David Archer, Senior Lecturer in Exercise Physiology and Sports Nutrition, Sunderland University
- Ruth Ashton, Lecturer in Exercise Physiology, University of Derby
- Terry Aspray, Clinical Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University
- Helen Atkin, Northumbria University
- Glory Atilola, Postgraduate Student, Northumbria University
- Sarah Audsley, Senior Lecturer, Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation, Northumbria University
- Leah Avery, Reader (Health Behaviour Change), Teesside University
- Charmele Ayadurai, Assistant Professor of Finance, EDI Lead, Institutional Champion for Child of the North, Durham University
- Nneka Azubuike, PG Student, Teesside University
- Judy Baaria, Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- Andrew Bailey, Research Associate, Northumbria University
- Melanie Bailey, PhD student, Teesside University
- Helen Ball, Professor of Anthropology, Durham University
- Abisola Balogun, Research Associate, University of York
- Jennifer Baidoo, PG Student, Teesside University
- Sarah Banks, Professor, Department of Sociology, Durham University
- Beth Bareham, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Simon Barrett, Social Science Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- Carrie Barron, Interim Principle Social Worker, North Tyneside Council
- Lynn Barron Millar, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Janice Bartholomew, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Teesside University
- Laura Basterfield, Newcastle Biomedicine Faculty Research Fellow, Newcastle University
- Claire Batey, Masters student - Public Health and Health Services Research, Newcastle University
- Theophile Bigirumurame, Medical Statistician, Newcastle University
- Zoe Bell, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Elizabeth Beardsmore, Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, Teesside University
- Natalie Bennett, Research Associate, University of Sheffield
- Elizabeth Benomran, Teesside University
- Nick Berger, Senior Lecturer Sport & Exercise, Teesside University
- Fiona Beyer, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Prachi Bhatnagar, NUAcT Fellow: Cities and Place, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Nawaraj Bhattarai, Research Associate (Economics), NIHR NENC ARC Fellow
- Arpita Bhattacharjee, Lecturer in Economics, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University
- Ashley Blacklock, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Lisa Board, Senior Lecturer, University of Sunderland
- Susan Bock, Durham University,
- Ruth Boocock, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University,
- Sarah Bowman-Abouna, Consultant in Public Health, Stockton on Tees Borough Council
- Callum Bradford, Research Assistant, Teesside University
- Jen Bradley, Research Associate, Human Nutrition Research Centre, Newcastle University
- Eddie Bradley, Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics, University of Sunderland
- Toby Brandon, Reader in Disability Studies and Mental Health, Northumbria University
- Matthew Breckons, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Louise Brennan, PH Consultant/Senior PH Research Fellow, Newcastle City Council
- Kerry Brennan-Tovey, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Katie Brittain, Professor of Applied Health Research & Ageing, Newcastle University
- Ang Broadbridge, Project Manager, Ways to Wellness
- Heather Brown, Lancaster University
- Morven Brown, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Richard Brown, Senior Research Assistant / PhD Student, Psychology Dept, Northumbria University
- Sally Brown, Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University
- Wendy Burke, Consultant in Public Health, North Tyneside Council
- Naomi Burn, Lecturer in Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, Teesside University
- Samantha Burns, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Kathryn Bush, PG Student, Newcastle University
- Joe Butler, Lecturer in Psychology, University of Sunderland
- Michael Butler, Occupational Health Physiotherapist, Duradiamond Healthcare
- Ziyi Cai, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Jo Cairns, Lecturer, Canterbury Christ Church University
Luis Calmeiro, Lecturer, Sport & Exercise Science, Abertay University - Fiona Campbell, Newcastle University
- Matthew Campbell, PI in Human Metabolism, University of Sunderland
- Mia Campbell, Lecturer in Psychology, Teesside University
- Matt Capsey, Senior Lecturer, University of Cumbria
- Sarit Carlebach, Research Fellow, Teesside University
- Karen Carling, Sunderland University
- Kathryn Cassidy, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Brian Castellani, Director of the Durham Research Methods Centre, Co-Director of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing, and Director of InSPIRE, Durham University
- John Cavener, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, Northumbria University
- Adam Chaffer, Trainee Solicitor, Swinburne Maddison LLP
- Michal Chantowski, Public Health Advisory Committee, NICE
- David Chappel, Associate Director, Northern & Yorkshire Knowledge & Intelligence Team (KIT), Public Health England
- Paul Chazot, Associate Professor, Durham University
- Mandy Cheetham, Research Fellow, Northumbria University
- Ruiming Chen, PhD Student, Durham University
- Martha Chinouya, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Floor Christie-de Jong, Senior Lecturer in Public Health for Medicine, University of Sunderland
- Amanda Clarke, Professor of Nursing, Northumbria University
- Charlotte Clarke, Executive Dean in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health, Durham University
- Helen Close, Newcastle University
- Tracy Collins, Northumbria University
- Rob Comber, Lecturer in Computer Mediated Communication, Newcastle University
- Angela Connor, Children's Bereavement Counsellor, Alice House Hospice
- Natalie Connor, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Steve Conway, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University
- Suzy Cook, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Tina Cook, Reader: Inclusive Methodologies, Northumbria University
- Christina Cooper, Research Associate, Northumbria University
- Louise Cooper, Research Assistant, Durham University
- Matt Cooper, PhD Student (Health Psychology), Teesside University
- Suzie Cooper, Principal Social Worker, Newcastle City Council
- Matthew Cotton, Professor of Public Policy, Teesside University
- Alison Copeland, Lecturer in Human Geography, Newcastle University
- Reinie Cordier, Professor, Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing, Northumbria University
- Judith Covey, Assistant Professor in Applied Psychology, Durham University
- Dawn Craig, Principal Scientist, Newcastle University
- Lynn Craig, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Paul Crawshaw, Assistant Dean - Research and Enterprise, Teesside University
- Stephen Crossley, Northumbria University
- Julia Das, Research Fellow, Northumbria University
- Vincent Deary, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Jan Deckers, Senior Lecturer in Bioethics, Newcastle University
- Katie Dee, Freelance Public Health Consultant, Durham University
- Greta Defeyter, Professor and Director of Business & Employer Engagement, Northumbria University
- Valerie Dehinde-Joseph, PG Student, Teesside University
- Sarah Dinsdale, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Katie Di-Sebastiano, Assistant Professor,
- Tom Disney, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Alyson Dodd, Northumbria University
- Caroline Dodd-Reynolds, Lecturer in Sport, Durham University
- Claire Donohue, Senior Lecturer, University of Sunderland
- Helen Duncan, Programme Director – ChiMat (Child & Maternal Health Intelligence Network)
- Fiona Duncan, Research Associate, Durham University
- Stephen Dunne, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Ella Dyer, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Wendy Dyer, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Irene Dzirasa, Student, Teesside University
- Judith Eberhardt, Teesside University
- Stanley Egbuedike, Student, Northumbria University
- Jason Ellis, Northumbria Centre for Sleep Research, Northumbria University
- Louisa Ells, Public Health Nutritionist, Leeds Beckett University
- Hannah Emerson, CNTW NHS Foundation Trust
- Charlotte Emmett, Associate Professor of Law, Northumbria University
- Andrew English, Lecturer, Teesside University
- Fatemeh Eskandari, PhD student, Teesside University
- Elizabeth Evans, Department of Psychology, Durham University
- Catherine Exley, Dean, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Oluwadamisi Adedayo Fajinmi, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- James Faraday, Clinical Educator for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, NuT NHS Foundation Trust
- Jen Ferguson, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Cristina Fernandez-Garcia, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Amy Fielden, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Rio Floreza, Community Involvement Lead, Durham Community Action
- Darren Flynn, Health Psychologist and Reader, Teesside University
- Mackenzie Fong, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Lynne Forrest, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Simon Forrest, Professor of Social Sciences in Medicine and Health, Newcastle University
- Natalie Forster, Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow in Applied Health and Social Care, Northumbria University
- Lynn Frewer, Professor of Food & Society, Newcastle University
- Yu Fu, Senior Research Associate/ NIHR ARC Fellow, Newcastle University
- Takanori Furukawa, Vice-Chancellor's Research Fellow, Teesside University
- Lesley Gallacher, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Liz Gandy, University of Sunderland
- Grace Gardner, PIE Lead (Newcastle HDRC), Newcastle City Council
- Kayleigh Garthwaite, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Durham University
- Jessica Gates, PhD Student, Northumbria University
- Lesley Geddes, Faculty Director of International Student Wellbeing, Northumbria University
- Soheila Ghasri, Postgraduate Student, Northumbria University
- Emma Giles, Professor of Integrating Physical and Mental Health, Teesside University
- Michelle Glascott, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, Northumbria University
- Louis Goffe, Associate Researcher, Newcastle University
- Vicki Goodwin, Senior Research Fellow and Theme Lead for Health and Society Knowledge Exchange (HASKE), University of Cumbria
- Banu Gopu, Research Student, Teesside University
- Stephen Gorard, Director, Durham University Evidence Centre for Education (DECE)
- Charlotte Gordon, PhD Student, Northumbria University
- Andrew Graham, Lecturer/ECR, Teesside University
- Fiona Graham, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Les Graham, Durham University Business School, Durham University
- Pamela Graham, Postdoctoral Researcher, Northumbria University
- Yitka Graham, Head of the Helen McArdle Nursing and Care Research Institute, University of Sunderland
- Stephanie Grainge, Health Education England North East (HENEE)
- Alice Gray, UG Student, Northumbria University
- Joanne Gray, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Joanne Gray, Health Economist, Public Health England
- Laura Gray, South Tyneside Council
- Joao Greca, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Naomi Griffin, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Lucy Grimshaw, Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Bernard Groen, Durham University and NHS England
- Simon Hackett, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Mental Health, Newcastle University
- Kate Haddow, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Katie Haighton, Professor in Public Health and Wellbeing, Northumbria University
- Lesley Haley, AskFuse Research Associate, Teesside University
- David Hall, Administrator HDRC South Tees, Middlesbrough Council
- Deborah Hall, Senior Lecturer, Community and Childhood studies Team, Teesside University
- Scarlet Hall, Research Associate, Durham University
- Rakshanda Hameed, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Sharon Hamilton, Director, Centre for Health And Social Evaluation (CHASE), Teesside University
- Lis Hammond, Teesside University
- Annette Hand, Associate Professor, Northumbria University
- Isabelle Handley-Allen, Earwig Translation Ltd
- Barbara Hanratty, Professor of Primary Care and Public Health, Newcastle University
- Kathryn Harbin, Research Officer, South Tees HDRC, Middlesbrough Council
- John Harrison, Emmaus North East Executive Lead, Stomping Grounds
- Louise Harvey-Golding, Programme Leader MSc Public Health, University of Sunderland
- Nehal Hassan, Postdoc Research Associate, School of Pharmacy, Newcastle University
- Catherine Hayes, University of Sunderland
- Louise Hayes, Research Methodologist, Newcastle University
- John Hayton, Senior Lecturer in Sport Development, Northumbria University
- Tom Heffernan, Programme Leader, Psychology, Northumbria University
- Michelle Henderson, Senior Nurse, Public Health England
- Nicola Heslehurst, Professor of Maternal and Child Health, Newcastle University
- Tom Hill, Senior Lecturer, Nutrition, Newcastle University
- Frances Hillier-Brown, Lecturer Public Health Nutrition, Newcastle University
- Philip Hodgson, p/t PhD Student and Physiotherapist in Adult Mental Health, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- Bob Hogg, Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics and Performance Analysis, University of Sunderland
- Ruth Hoggett, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust
- Amy Holdsworth, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Jack Holkham, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Richard Holliday, NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Restorative Dentistry, Newcastle Dental School
- Kate Hope, Public Health SLT, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust
- Rob Hornsby, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Northumbria University
- Deborah Henckert, Reader Child and Family Communication, Northumbria University
- Michelle Hudson, Graduate Tutor, Teesside University
- Clare Humble, Newcastle City Council
- Emily Hunter, NIHR Innovation Observatory, Newcastle University
- Christopher Hurst, Durham University
- Oladipo Idowu, Teesside University
- Christabel Ihedike, Lecturer in Public Health, University of Sunderland
- Pamela Inglis, Academic Head, Public Health & Wellbeing, Northumbria University
- Paul Innerd, Lecturer Exercise Physiology, University of Sunderland
- Patrick Jachyra, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
- Kat Jackson, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Neha Jain, Research Assistant, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Deborah James, Associate Professor, Northumbria University
- Kimberly Jamie, Lecturer in Sociology, Durham University
- Sarah Janac, Knowledge Broker, Edinburgh University
- Alison Janes, MPH Student/Public Health Registrar, School for Public Health Research, Newcastle University
- Rawand Jarrar, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sunderland
- Jayne Jeffries, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Deepti John, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Amy Johnson, Senior Research Assistant, Northumbria University
- Eugenie Johnson, Research Assistant (Evidence Synthesis), PHSI, Newcastle University
- Angela Jones, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Sue Jones, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Wendy Joseph, Postgraduate Student, University of Sunderland
- Kehinde Kanmodi, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Manish Kar, Clinical Tutor and MSc student, Northumbria University
- Thompson Kareem, PhD Student, University of Sunderland
- Adetayo Kasim, Senior Research Statistician, Durham University
- Isabelle Kelly, RA in Nutritional Behaviour Change, Leeds Beckett University
- Ahmad Khundakar, Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science, Teesside University
- Stephanie Kilinc, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Teesside University
- Hannah King, Ass. Professor of Criminology & Director of PG Research, Durham University
- Andrew Kingston, Senior Lecturer Epidemiology of Ageing, Newcastle University
- Stephan Kirby, Senior Lecturer (Forensic Mental Health), Teesside University
- Niina Kolehmainen, Reader in Allied Child Health, Newcastle University
- Eftychia Kotronia, PhD student, Newcastle University
- Liam Knowles, NBPS Practitioner, Hartlepool Borough Council
- Peter Kruithof, Associate Lecturer and PhD Student, Northumbria University
- Ravi Kumar Balu
- Frank Lai, Assistant Professor & Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Leah Lamb, Research and Communications Coordinator, Involve North East
- Andrea Lambell, Postgraduate Student, Durham University
- Natalie Lamont, Senior Lecturer, University of Sunderland
- Jose Lara, Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Matthew Lariviere, Associate Professor of Gerontology, Northumbria University
- Kayleigh Lavelle, Senior Lecturer, University of Sunderland
- Jan Lecouturier, Senior Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Richard Lee, Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Northumbria University
- Maggie Leese, Principal Lecturer, Criminology, Law & Policing, Teesside University
- Charlotte Leighton, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Sue Lewis, Qualitative Research Specialist, Durham University
- Sandra Leyland, Senior Lecturer, Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Sunderland
- Scott Lloyd, Advanced Public Health Practitioner, Middlesbrough Council
- Antonia Liguori, Professor of Participatory Storytelling and Public Policy, Teesside University
- Lucy Lindsay, Health Information Analyst, North East Quality Observatory Service
- Fiona Ling, Senior Lecturer in Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation, Northumbria University
- Abby List, South Tees HDRC, Middlesbrough Council
- John Lodge, Reader in Metabolic Nutrition, Northumbria University
- Meg Logan, Research Participation and Inclusion Facilitator, NIHR
- Chiara Lombardo, Cambridge University
- Sophie Lovell-Kennedy, PhD Student, University of Durham
- Loretta Lou, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Durham University
- Dora Machaira, Public Health Officer, Middlesbrough Council
- Linda Mages, Northumbria University
- Clarity Mapengo, Lecturer, Food Science & Technology, Teesside University
- Lorna Marques-Brocksopp, Freelance Researcher, Guide Dogs for the Blind
- Ailsa Marsh, Newcastle University
- David Marshall, Independant Researcher (VSO), University of Sunderland
- Sarah Martin-Denham, Associate Professor of Care and Education, University of Sunderland
- Claire Mathews, Health and Wellbeing Programme Lead, OHID
- Fiona Matthews, Professor of Epidemiology, Newcastle University
- Anna Maughan, PhD Student, Northumbria University
- Andrea Mayrhofer, Senior Research Fellow, NIHR NENC ARC
- Laura Mazzoli Smith, Assistant Professor, Durham University
- Johnson Mbabazi, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Mselenge Mdegela, University of Sunderland
- Riona McArdle, NIHR Advanced Fellow, Newcastle University
- Karen McCabe, University of Sunderland
- Sean McCusker, Reader in Education, Northumbria University
- Kathryn McEwan, Research Fellow, Northumbria University
- Grant McGeechan, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Katherine McGleenan, Nurse Consultant - suicide prevention research and innovation, CNTW
- Ruth McGovern, Professor of Public Health and Social Care, PHSI, Newcastle University
- William McGovern, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Laura McGowan, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Victoria McGowan, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Joanne McGrath, Research Associate, Durham University
- Francis McKay, Research Lead, HDRC, Gateshead Council
- Allan McLeod, PhD student, Teesside University
- James McLeod, PhD Student, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
- Rebekah McNaughton, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Catherine McParlin, Senior Research Midwife, NHS Trust
- Emma Mead, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Francesca Meloni, Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Susanna Mills, NIHR Clinical Research Fellow, Newcastle University
- John Mina, Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, Teesside University
- Malcolm Moffat, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Helen Moore, Associate Professor (Research), Evaluation and Impact Team, Teesside University
- Najla Yussuf Moosa, Lecturer in Medical Sciences, University of Sunderland
- Winifred Morah, Masters Student, Teesside University
- Tiago Moreira, Professor of Sociology, Durham University
- Jeanette Morris, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Stephanie Morris, Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Durham
- Jordan Mullard, Senior Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Stephanie Mulrine, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Laura Murray, Research Assistant, Durham Infancy & Sleep Centre, Durham University
- Ruth Muscat, Postgraduate Student, Northumbria University and Knowledge and Evidence Specialist, PHE
- Muzammil A Nahaboo Solim, Newcastle University
- Pascal Navelle, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Hamde Nazar, Professor of Pharmacy Education and Primary Care Research, Newcastle University
- Courtney-jai Neal, Postgraduate Student, Newcastle University
- Nick Neave, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Dorothy Newbury Birch, Professor of Alcohol and Public Health Research, Teesside University
- Chinwendu Ngozi, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Beth Nichol, Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- Misheck Nkhata, Lecturer in Global Public Health, Teesside University
- Lawrence Achilles Nnyanzi, Senior Lecturer in Research Methods, Teesside University
- Ruth Norris, PhD student, Newcastle University
- Blessing Chibuzo Nwokocha, Lecturer in Food Science, Teesside University
- Kennedy Obohwemu, PhD student, University of Sunderland
- Peter Ochepo, Lecturer in Public Health, University of Sunderland
- Nicki O'Brien, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, Northumbria University
- Amy O'Donnell, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Rianne O'Gara, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Sally O'Keeffe, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Clare O'Malley, Research Associate, Teesside University
- Gill O'Neill, Research Associate & PH Specialty Registrar, NU/ Health Education North East
- Eileen Oak, Senior Lecturer (Social Work), Northumbria University
- Dapo Ogunbayo, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Ijeoma Okorie, Postgraduate Student (Public Health Epidemiology), Newcastle University
- Emily Oliver, Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Psychology, Durham University
- Yemi Oluboyede, Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Shamini Omnes, NHS Grampian
- Christianne Ormston, Public Engagement and Community Involvement Lead, Newcastle West CCG
- David Onchonga, Lecturer in Public Health, University of Sunderland
- Adetunji Otemade, Teesside University
- Emily Owen, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Durham University
- Helen Owen, Evaluation Lead, GambleAware
- Rob Oxley, MSc Student, Teesside University
- Olugbenga Samuel Oyeniyi, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Sunderland
- Narut Pakunwanich, Academic/Specialised Foundation Doctor, University of Cambridge
- Charlotte Parberry-Clarke, Newcastle University
- Samuel Parker, GP and PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Mark Pearce, Reader in Lifecourse Epidemiology, Newcastle University
- Pauline Pearson, Professor of Nursing, Northumbria University
- Chris Penlington, Clinical Psychologist, Dental School, Newcastle University
- Gillian Pepper, Research Associate, Northumbria University
- Cassandra Phoenix, Associate Professor, Department for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Durham University
- Ilaria Pina, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Wendy Pollock, Associate Professor in Adult Nursing, Northumbria University
- Stacey Pope, Associate Professor in Sociology of Sport, Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
- Robert Portman, Lecturer in Psychology, Teesside University
- Sebastian Potthoff, Lecturer in Health Psychology, Northumbria University
- Claire Pryor, Assistant Professor, Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Northumbria University
- Pattanathu Rahman, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University
- Sheena Ramsay, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Professor of Public Health & Epidemiology, Newcastle University
- Judith Rankin, Professor in Maternal & Perinatal Epidemiology, Newcastle University
- Devashish Ray, Research Associate, NIHR PPRU, Newcastle University
- Shehzad Raza, South Tees HDRC, Middlesbrough Council
- Jonathon Reay, Principal Lecturer, Teesside University
- Sam Redgate, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Jon Rees, Associate professor in applied research methodology, University of Sunderland
- Nadja Reissland, Senior Lecturer, Durham University
- Stephen Rice, Research Associate, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University
- Andrew Richardson, Research Associate (Gambling Harms), PHSI, Newcastle University
- Ben Rigby, Lecturer in Behavioural Sciences, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Louise Robinson, Regius Professor of Ageing, Newcastle University
- Natassia Robinson, PhD Student, Newcastle University
- Tomos Robinson, Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Thomas Rodgers, Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology, University of Sunderland
- Angela Rodrigues, Research Associate, Northumbria University
- Alicja Rogusz, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Kelly Rose, PhD student, Teesside University
- Charlotte Rothwell, Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Ash Routen, Research Associate, Durham University
- Gill Rowlands, Academic GP and Professor of Primary Care, Newcastle University
- Penny Rumbold, Associate Professor, Northumbria University
- Andrew Russell, Durham University
- Sarah Russell, Teesside University
- Ailsa Rutter Director, FRESH
- Cormac Ryan, Professor of Clinical Rehabilitation, Teesside University
- Om Sah, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Mona Salmon, Lecturer, Teesside University
- Domna Salonen, Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- Jane Salotti, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Tom Sanders, Associate Professor, Northumbria University
- Ally Sanderson, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University
- Toks Sangowawa, Clinical Director of Public Health, Tees Valley Public Health Shared Service
- Kausiki Sarma, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Zeibeda Sattar, Lecturer, Northumbria University
- Ted Schrecker, Professor of Global Health Policy, Newcastle University
- Jason Scott, Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Northumbria University
- Lesley Scott, Senior Lecturer (Patient, Carer and Public Involvement), University of Sunderland
- Edgar Segovia Leon, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Oshin Sharma, Research Assistant, NIHR Innovation Observatory, Newcastle University
- Hayley Louise Sharp, Community Health Assistant, NHS
- Jing Shen, Research Associate, (Health Economics), Newcastle University
- Felicity Shenton, Public Involvement and Community Engagement Manager, NIHR ARC NENC
- Jackie Shinwell, Research Fellow, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Northumbria University
- Gillian Shorter, Project Manager/Research Fellow, Teesside University
- Kolawole Shorunke
- Lynette Shotton, Senior Lecturer, Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Northumbria University
- Nadia Siddiqui, Associate Professor, School of Education, Durham University
- Julija Simpson, PhD student, Newcastle University
- Mihirini Sirisena, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Stephanie Sloan, Lecturer in Dietetics, Teesside University
- Yevhen Slautenko, Honorary Public Health Manager, Northumbria Healthcare Trust - NHS England
- Claire Smiles, Research Associate, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Brett Smith, Professor, Department of Sport and Exercises, Durham University
- Fay Smith, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Jo Smith, Professional Head of Dietetic Services/Project Lead for Weight Management, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
- Matthew Smith, Senior Lecturer in Social Work, University of Cumbria
- Deborah Smart, Research Assistant, Newcastle University
- Vikki Snaith, Postdoctoral Midwife Researcher, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Sarah Sowden, Associate Lecturer, Newcastle University and Speciality Registrar in Public Health, Newcastle City Council
- Gemma Spiers, Principal Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Iain Spears, Professor of Sport and Exercise, Teesside University
- Suzanne Spence, NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer (Public Health), Newcastle University
- Liam Spencer, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Ian Spencer, Senior Lecturer in Mental Health, Northumbria University
- Rachael Stabler, HCA, South West London & St Georges Mental Health Trust
- Catherine Stafford
- Helen Stain, Head, Mental Health Research Group and Deputy Director of Research, School of Medicine, Pharmacy & Health, Durham University
- Michelle Stamp, Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Mel Steer, VC Fellow, Northumbria University
- Evgenia Stepanova, Postdoc Research Associate, Durham University
- Alison Steven, Reader in Health Professions Education, Northumbria University
- Colin Stevenson, PhD Student, Northumbria University and Head of Primary Care, NHS County Durham CCG
- Dan Steward, Research Assistant, PHSI, Newcastle University
- Rachel Stocker, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Kaz Stuart, Research and Innovation Manager HDRC, Cumberland Council
- Jana Suklan, Mixed methods Methodologist, NIHR Newcastle In Vitro Diagnostics Co-operative (MIC), Newcastle University
- Claire Sullivan, Public Health Consultant in Health Improvement, North East Public Health England
- Ryan Swiers, Consultant in Public Health, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS FT
- Kate Sykes, Lecturer in Public Health, Northumbria University
- Eugene Tang, NIHR Clinical Lecturer in General Practice, Newcastle University
- Mei Yee Tang, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Anisah Tariq, Postdoctoral RA, Durham University
- Greig Taylor, Clinical Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry, Newcastle University
- Louise Taylor, Design Lead Manager, Newcastle University
- Laura Ternent, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, Newcastle University
- Garry Tew, Reader in Exercise & Health Sciences, Northumbria University
- Steven Thirkle, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Katie Thomson, Durham University
- Alexandra Thompson, NIHR ARC NENC Mental Health and Ageing Fellow, Newcastle University
- Caitlin Thompson, Research Assistant, Medical Sciences, Newcastle University
- Johanna Thren, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Durham University
- Adam Todd, Reader in Pharmaceutical Public Health, Newcastle University
- Barry Tolchard, Professor & Head of Department, School of Health & Life Sciences, Teesside University
- Natalie Tomlinson-Hildred, Research Assistant, Durham University
- Carole Torgerson, Professor in the School of Education, Durham University
- Tim Townshend, Professor of Urban Design for Health, Newcastle University
- Anastasia Trebacz, Lecturer in Psychology for Medicine, University of Sunderland
- Grant Trewartha, Professor of Digital Health Interventions, School of Health & Life Sciences, Teesside University
- Leanne Trick, Assistant Professor / NIHR NENC ARC Fellow, Durham University
- Helen Truran, Graduate Tutor, Northumbria University
- Petriece Turnbull, Lecturer, Teesside University
- Uduak-Abasi Udofa, PhD Student, Northumbria University
- Louise Unsworth, Assoc. Dir. of Northern & Yorkshire Knowledge and Intelligence Team, PHE
- Paul van Schaik, Professor of Psychology, Teesside University
- Priyanka Vasantavada, PhD Student, Teesside University
- Milica Vasiljevic, Associate Professor, Dept of Psychology, Durham University
- Rahul Venkatesh, PG Student, Northumbria University
- Carla Resendiz Villasenor, Postgraduate Student, Teesside University
- Santosh Vijaykumar, Northumbria University
- Raya Vinogradov, Senior Research Sonographer, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS FT
- Shelina Visram, Senior Lecturer in Public Health, Newcastle University
- Vladimir Vukovic, Senior Lecturer, Teesside University
- Ruth Wadman, Durham University
- Janelle Wagnild, Research Associate, Durham University
- David Wainwright (Emeritus Professor), Northumbria University
- David Walker, Senior Research Fellow, Northumbria University
- Lauren Walker, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Teesside University
- Tammi Walker, Professor of Psychology and Research Director, Centre for Applied Psychological Science (CAPS), Durham University
- Annie Wallace, University of Sunderland
- Tony Walsh, Durham County Council
- Philippa Walters, Pharmaceutical Adviser, Tees Valley Public Health Shared Service
- Wei Wang, PG Student, Durham University
- Alec Ward, Senior Physiotherapist, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust
- Jonathan Warren, Senior Research Associate, Durham University
- Tamlyn Watermeyer, Northumbria University
- Florence Watson, Research Assistant, TEWV NHS FT
- Pat Watson, Research Fellow, Teesside University
- Angela Wearn, NIHR ARC Research Fellow, Newcastle University
- Lisa Westhorpe, Occupational Therapist & System Partner Lead, Sport for Confidence
- Kathryn Weston, Lecturer, Napier University
- Mark Wetherell, Professor of Psychobiology, Department of Psychology, Northumbria University
- Cate Whittlesea, Senior Lecturer, Durham University
- Paula Whitty, Newcastle University
- Dono Widiatmoko, Senior Lecturer in Evidence Based Practice & Health Economics, Teesside University
- John Wildman, Professor of Health Economics, Newcastle University
- Stephanie Wilkie, Associate Professor in Environmental Psychology, University of Sunderland
- Kirsty Wilkinson, PH Advanced Practitioner, Durham County Council
- Rhys Williams, Senior Lecturer in Forensic Science, Teesside University
- Toni Williams, Associate Professor, Sport and Exercise Sciences, Durham University
- Alexander Wilson, Clinical Psychologist, NuT NHS Foundation Trust
- Amy Wilson, Research Assistant, Durham University
- Carol Wilson, Extralife Student Support Worker, Teesside University
- Gemma Wilson-Menzfeld, VC Research Fellow, Northumbria University
- Rob Wilson, Director of KITE University Research Centre, Newcastle University
- Tim Woolliscroft, Manager, Healthy Cross, Health Works, Sheffield
- Huasheng Xiang, Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Ge Yu, Senior Research Associate, Newcastle University
- Negar Yousef Zadeh, Research Associate, NIHR Innovation Observatory, Newcastle University
- Vida Zohoori, Reader, Teesside University