Early life and adolescence

Scoping the prevention of risks of mental illness onset and treating early in the North East of England.
In June 2015, local authority leaders and elected mayors in the North East of England identified mental health issues of children and young people (CYP) as a priority to investigate the extent and causes of increase in mental health issues.
A steering group was established to address this issue by the Association of North East Councils, and included representatives from the Institute for Local Governance, expert practitioners, senior local authority officers and Public Health England (PHE). The steering group wanted to scope young people’s mental health across the North East of England, the current practice across the region, the available data, and other contextual information.
AskFuse, Fuse's rapid response and evaluation service, was asked by the steering committee to identify and liaise with researchers with expertise in scoping the prevention of risks of mental illness onset, and early treatment.
The enquiry was circulated to identify Fuse researchers with relevant experience. AskFuse also facilitating meetings between Fuse researchers based at Newcastle and Durham universities and the steering group, to develop a scoping strategy.
The scoping study resulted in:
- New collaborations between Fuse researchers and the steering group.
- A “systems map” of existing local services across the region developed from co-production workshops.
- Researchers interviewing local authorities, service providers, young people and their families to identify potentially effective interventions to promote positive mental health and prevent mental disorders in children and young people.
- A systematic review of reviews, and critique, of the current scientific evidence on effective interventions to promote mental health and prevent mental ill-health in people aged 12 to 19.
- A scoping report of the research findings which was published in June 2016
- Promoting the research findings, via a press release, which was circulated widely to policy and practice partners in the region.
- News: School could play a vital role to help prevent mental health problems in young
- Report: Newham J, Henderson E , McGovern R , Russell S , Spencer L , Geijer-Simpson E, Robalino S, McArdle P, Kaner E and Lingam R (2017) PROMOTE: NE - Preventing Risks Of Mental illness Onset and Treating Early in the North East of England. Fuse.
Last modified: Fri, 15 Feb 2019 14:28:34 GMT