Fuse podcast
Fuse launches innovative podcast led by public partners

Fuse has launched a new podcast with a difference – Public Health Research and Me is completely led by the Centre's public partners to bridge the gap that sometimes occurs between research and public audiences.
In the first episode out now, host and Fuse Public Partner Victoria Bartle speaks to doctoral student Cassey Muir about her research on social and emotional resilience in children and young people affected by parental substance use.
Ella Anderson, Fuse Public Involvement and Engagement Manager, and Mark Welford, Fuse Communications Manager, co-produced the podcast with Fuse public partners.
Ella, who is based at Newcastle University, said: “This is such an exciting project for Fuse as public involvement and engagement is a vital part of our mission to get high quality research into the world to improve people's health. Our aim is that the public voice influences our work in all areas.
“Over the course of the podcast, we are hoping to cover a wide variety of public health topics linked to Fuse research, including universal credit, smoking, maternal health, food insecurity, and mental health. Victoria's discussion with Cassey on such an important subject is a fantastic way to launch the podcast.”
Members of Fuse’s Public Partner Network were given the opportunity to take part in training with experienced science communicator and producer Dr Shaun O'Boyle, in which they learned how to prepare, record, edit, share and promote a podcast.
Ella added: "We have really enjoyed collaborating with our public partners and researchers in Fuse, who have worked so hard to put the podcast together. Many thanks to everyone who has supported us along the way with advice, guidance and input. We are delighted to finally launch the podcast!”
You can also watch the conversation on the Fuse Youtube channel
In this episode
Fuse and NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) doctoral student, Cassey talks with Victoria about children and young people’s mental health and resilience in cases of parental substance use. Cassey shares the impacts this can have on young people, including stigma. She outlines some of the key changes she made to her research after hearing from young people with lived experience. She explores the role that the justice system, education system, and society in general have in supporting children and young people with their lived experience of parental substance use.
Areas for further research are discussed and Cassey answers the big question: “If you had one message for our listeners to take away, what would it be?”. Listen now to find out her answer - Public Health Research & Me: How can we promote social and emotional resilience in children and young people affected by parental substance use?
If you are a fan of our Public Health Research and Me podcast, please subscribe, rate or review, and share with your friends, families, colleagues and networks.
The podcast is available on Apple, Google, Spotify and Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcast.
For a copy of the transcript click here Podcast - Episode 1. For more information please email info@fuse.ac.uk
As a bonus, you can also watch the conversation on the Fuse Youtube channel.
With special thanks to the Fuse podcast group, David Winter for editing and Shaun O'Boyle for training. The podcast is produced by Ella Anderson, Public Involvement and Engagement Manager and Mark Welford, Fuse Communications Manager.
Join Fuse’s Public Partner Network here.
Last modified: Wed, 01 May 2024 11:25:13 BST