Public involvement

Co-producing the evaluation of the RNIB Newcastle Street Charter

Every day 250 people start to lose their sight in the UK, so outdoor public spaces such as streets and pavements need to be accessible, but they remain a daily obstacle course. Getting to work, the shops, the GP surgery, or accessing local services can be like running the gauntlet, with increased fear and anxiety, and a real risk of injury. 

In 2017 public partners who were experts by experience initiated the Newcastle Street Charter project which examined the travel and mobility needs of users in Newcastle and Gateshead. Launched in December 2017, the Charter aimed to engage with disabled people on new developments, changes to the built environment and the design of street furniture, as well as an alternative system for reporting disruptions to travel, including broken or faulty pedestrian crossings.  

The public partners were then supported by Fuse researcher Dr Jayne Jeffries (Newcastle University), the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB), and Sight Service to co-produce an evaluation of the Street Charter. In 2018, the evaluation findings were shared at the “Negotiating Neighbourhoods” event supported again by Fuse, the RNIB, and the Sight Service. Public partners were instrumental in feeding back the evaluation findings and discussing the implications of the research for policy and practice. They also reflected on the experience of working collaboratively, and facilitated the experiential workshops to peers, members of the council, public health, and policy and practice partners, including voluntary services.

Fuse co-badged event:

Negotiating Neighbourhoods: Disability, Mobility and Health

Fuse Open Science blog:

Safe negotiation of neighbourhoods should be non-negotiable

Last modified: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:43:27 GMT