Public involvement
Co-creating six knowledge sharing principles for public health research

Fuse worked with the NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) to develop an overarching framework for Public Involvement and Engagement, applying these principles to work in co-production with different knowledge user groups.
This not only includes public and patients but, depending on who is best placed to use and implement the research findings, also health practitioners, policy-makers, voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations and community members.
As these principles are applied from the start of research projects within SPHR and Fuse, these groups and relevant knowledge exchange activities are identified early on in the process and dedicated knowledge user engagement strategies are developed that can be tracked and showcased over time.
Within Fuse we have built up specific expertise in translational research and knowledge exchange over the past 12 years that has led to innovative methods for engagement with different knowledge user groups, such as:
- Quarterly Research Meetings (QRMs);
- Fuse research briefs;
- the Fuse Open Science Blog;
- and AskFuse (Fuse’s responsive research and evaluation service).
Fuse associate Mandy Cheetham’s embedded research in Gateshead is another example of effective and successful engagement with communities about their research needs and co-producing relevant public health interventions.
Research brief:
Co-creating six knowledge sharing principles for public health research
SPHR website:
Improving knowledge exchange in public health
Linked SPHR themes/programmes:
Health inequalities theme; and Efficient and equitable public health systems theme
Image: Ansonlobo [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]
Last modified: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 12:40:23 GMT