Research capacity development
Emma Adams
NIHR School for Public Health Research Pre-Doctoral Fellow, Emma Adams tells us about how Fuse has helped develop her career in public health.
Tell us about your journey with Fuse – where did you start and where are you now?
I first learned about Fuse when I was looking into my current fellowship. After speaking with leading researchers at Newcastle and Durham Universities, I knew this was the collaborative research environment I wanted to be a part of. I joined Fuse in February 2020 as the academic centre for my current fellowship. Although I am based at Newcastle University, through being part of Fuse I have been able to collaborate with researchers across universities in the North East of England. Since joining, I have been weaved into a variety of research projects where I have benefited from expertise provided across Fuse. One such study was exploring high mortality rates among individuals experiencing multiple complex needs. Through this study I was able to better understand how Fuse supports the public and community to conduct research that matches the local need. I was also able to attend my first Fuse Quarterly Research Meeting (QRM) where participants shaped meaningful recommendations for policy, practice, and future research in the region. Aside from research projects, I have been able to join the Fuse Public Involvement and Engagement Committee (PIEC). Through this committee I have been able to develop a better appreciation for all of the universities collaborating within Fuse. I have also been able to network and learn about some of the best practices for public involvement and engagement in the region.
What is the focus of your work?
I am still in the early stages of my research career, but I am interested in public mental health and populations experiencing various degrees of disadvantage and need (such as homelessness, offending behaviour, and substance misuse). I am involved in a number of projects and am a Principal Investigator on a funded study, which was possible because of the support at Fuse.
How has being part of Fuse helped you to achieve your aims?
One of the aims I had coming into my current Fellowship was to develop my confidence in my research ability. There was an opportunity through NIHR SPHR for an Early Career Researcher funding pot. Moving to a new country, starting a new job, and coping with a pandemic made applying for that funding call seem daunting. However, the wonderful administrative team at Fuse supported me both mentally and logistically when throughout the submission process. Fuse enabled me to be successful with my first funding bid experience and now I can say I am the Principal Investigator of a study. The confidence and knowledge I have gained from the submission alone is something that would have never been possible without Fuse. I am relieved to know that as I continue my SPHR fellowship I have individuals across Fuse to turn to for help and guidance.
What’s next for you?
Upon completing my current Fellowship, I plan to pursue a Doctoral Fellowship that focuses on public mental health within socially marginalised/disadvantaged populations. From the experiences I gain while a member of Fuse and SPHR, I am working towards my ambition of becoming an independent researcher in this area with a specific focus on those experiencing severe and multiple disadvantage.
Last modified: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:51:53 GMT