Teens invited to learn the importance of social science research

Year seven pupils were encouraged to think about social science research – what it is, how it contributes to society and how they can get involved through a special event co-sponsored by Fuse.
The hands-on animation event was hosted at Teesside University on Wednesday 9 November as part of the ESRC’s (Economic and Social Research Council) Festival of Social Science, which ran nationwide from November 5 to 12. It gave young people from across the region an opportunity to engage with leading researchers from Team Alpha (the Alcohol and Public Health team at Teesside University) to discover, discuss and debate topical social science issues.
Pupils from Norham High School in North Shields experienced how animations are narrated in a recording studio, being part of a virtual reality video game and using motion sensors to build animations. This was followed by the showcase of a two-minute research animation used in schools through the UK as part of a large research study, a research wordsearch, and a presentation by two pupils.
Fuse associate Dr Emma Giles, who successfully bid for and won ESRC funding to run the event, said: “I am inspired by the enthusiasm of Norham pupils and teachers attending the day, in their willingness to learn about social science research, get involved in the afternoon’s events and was impressed by their insightful and probing questions of Team Alpha to learn more about what research is and what happens in Universities.”
Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Professor of Alcohol and Public Health and Principal Investigator on the Fuse Early Life and Adolescence Research Programme said: “As an ex-pupil of Norham I was delighted and proud to see pupils visiting us at Teesside University. I am confident that we will see influential researchers of the future coming from Norham. I am also very impressed by the pupils themselves as well as the teachers' commitment to raising aspirations of the young people.”
Members of Team Alpha are working with six young people from Norham High School to develop a peer led research project around the effects of the new GCSEs on wellbeing. The team is called TALeNT (Team Alpha and Norham Together!).
Adapted with thanks from Teesside University.
Last modified: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 09:13:36 BST