Australian researcher shares experience working with indigenous groups

The Centre for Translational Research in Public Health was recently delighted to welcome Australian academic Jen Lorains as she visited the UK.
Jen (pictured far right) successfully won a Winston Churchill Fellowship which allowed her to travel to the UK, USA, Canada, and Peru to continue her research.
She chose to visit Fuse in March and look at the work we do in more detail as her main research interest is knowledge exchange and translational research - which relates directly to the Centre's mission and is one of our six research themes.
Working for the Northern Territory Government, Jen is the manager of the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC): a national census of early childhood development. She has qualifications in social research, psychology and community development.
While visiting Fuse, Jen delivered a Knowledge Exchange Seminar on ‘Early Childhood Data with Communities in Australia’. Her presentation focused on the AEDC which measures physical health, social skills, communication and general knowledge, language skills and emotions of five year old children.
In addition to this, Jen shared knowledge translation and exchange approaches to using early childhood data with communities in Australia. She also presented early findings from her international travel fellowship which she is using to learn more about effective ways to use data in communities, particularly with indigenous groups.
Read a blog post about Jen Lorains' visit.
Last modified: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 09:13:31 BST