Previous research events

Impact of social prescribing on health & wellbeing

  • Venue: Zoom video conference platform
  • Start: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 12:30:00 BST
  • End: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:15:00 BST

What can we learn about social prescribing from a large-scale multi-methods study?

Research Programme Meeting led by the Healthy Ageing and Health Inequalities Fuse Research Programmes.

Event recording


Welcome, introduction, study background, context and overview

Outcomes, costs and “valuing” social prescribing - Prof John Wildman

Ethnography Slides - Dr Bethan Griffith

The Client Ethnography - Dr Kate Gibson

The Ethnographic Studies: Conclusions - Prof Tessa Pollard

Experiences of social prescribing during the COVID19 pandemic - Dr Stephanie Morris


About this event

This half-day event concluded a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) evaluation of a social prescribing intervention for people with Type 2 Diabetes in North East England. A series of presentations outline findings relating to health outcomes, health-related quality of life, healthcare usage, assessment of cost effectiveness and the examination of the lived experiences of those delivering and engaging with the intervention.

Participants had the opportunity to engage in open discussion about the challenges and opportunities of social prescribing with an expert panel from academic, voluntary and community, practitioner and policy sectors.

This recording is for anyone with an interest in social prescribing and health interventions aimed at addressing health inequalities, including colleagues in academia, public health, social care, healthcare and the voluntary and community sectors.

Follow Fuse Research Programme Meetings on Twitter using the hashtag #FuseRPM.

Speakers, chairs and panellists

The event was introduced and chaired by Professor Clare Bambra (Fuse/Newcastle University).

Speakers: John Wildman (Newcastle University), Nicola O’Brien (Northumbria University), Tessa Pollard (Durham University), Kate Gibson (Newcastle University), Bethan Griffith (Newcastle University), Josephine M Wildman (Newcastle University), and Stephanie L Morris (Durham University).

Panellists: Jane Hartley, Health & Wellbeing Associate VONNE/ NE Regional Social Prescribing Facilitator NHS England; Martin Cattermole, Head of evidence unit, Personalised Care Group, NHS England and NHS Improvement; Professor Chris Drinkwater, Chair, Ways to Wellness; Dr Stephanie Tierney, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Sciences, Oxford University; Dr Kerryn Husk Peninsula Medical School, Plymouth University.

Panellist Biographies

Event programme

Programme - 11 OCtober 2021


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