Previous Quarterly Research Meetings
Payment for health behaviours: the case of health promoting financial incentives
- Venue: RV405 Reg Vardy Bldg, Sir Tom Cowie Campus,Sunderland University
- Start: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:30:00 BST
- End: Wed, 22 Jul 2015 13:00:00 BST
Aims and Objectives
Poor engagement in health promoting behaviours is a key determinant of morbidity and mortality worldwide and results in substantial social, healthcare and economic costs. Despite consistent efforts to encourage uptake of healthy behaviours, unhealthy behaviours remain common. Developing effective methods to encourage uptake of healthy behaviours will result in substantial benefits to society as a whole.
Providing financial incentives to encourage healthy behaviours is one method to encourage uptake of healthy behaviours. Health promoting financial incentives (HPFI) have been defined as cash or cash-like rewards provided directly to individuals contingent on their performance of healthy behaviours.
This event aims:
• To provide details of recent (research) projects focused on financial incentives
• To present a balanced account of the pros and cons of health promoting financial incentives
• To debate the effectiveness and acceptability of using financial incentives to change health behaviours
How will this work on the day? The format of the event emphasises the opportunity for debate on the pros and cons of HPFI. Three presentations will be heard from academics and policy and practice partners, ending with an opportunity for delegates to debate the use of HPFI, and put their questions and comments to the speakers via a discussion panel forum.