Contact AskFuse

AskFuse, contact, image

Dr Peter van der Graaf, AskFuse Research Manager
Mrs Lesley Haley, AskFuse Research Associate

Tel: 01642 342757
Email: or
Online enquiry: AskFuse enquiry form

More about the AskFuse team

AskFuse Research Manager: Dr Peter van der Graaf
Peter liaises with Fuse senior investigators and staff at the five universities in North East England to identify capacity and skills to develop, commission, lead and undertake research projects. He also actively promotes the service through a wide range of collaboration and partnership building activities in association with the AskFuse Research Associate, Communications Officer and other Fuse staff interested in knowledge exchange.
Learn more about Peter

AskFuse Research Associate: Lesley Haley
Lesley works alongside Peter and other Fuse staff interested in knowledge exchange to support AskFuse enquiries and projects. 
Learn more about Lesley